10月11日是國際女童日,但你知道全球還有許多女孩沒有受到良好的教育嗎?😢 蜜雪兒夫人在當天發表了演說,希望透過全世界的共同努力,讓這些女童們能獲得教育來提升自己的能力。



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On my final trip overseas as first lady, I visited a high school in Unification Town, a small village about an hour outside Liberia's capital city of Monrovia. There, I sat in a classroom where the only light came from the cloudy, rainy sky outside. As heavier clouds rolled in, the entire room dimmed, and I began to find it difficult to make out faces across even a short distance.


在我身為第一夫人最後一次的海外之行時,我拜訪了位於離賴比瑞亞首都(Monrovia)車程約莫一小時的小村莊(Unification Town)。在那裡,我坐在一間教室裡,教室內唯一的光源來自外面陰暗且下著雨的天空。當厚重的雲層蓋過天空時,整個教室就變得一片漆黑,使我在極短的距離內,我也無法清楚地辨別學生們的臉孔。


What I remember most from that day, though, couldn't be more clear: It's the promise inside each of those girls -- girls who show up every day to learn. They show up even after walking for miles or waking up early to earn some extra money to help pay their school fees. They show up even though their families depend on them to take care of younger siblings, cook meals, and ensure their household is running smoothly. They show up even though many are pressured to marry as adolescents, sidetracking their own goals for a man's.




The girls in that school are joined by millions of others who aren't able to get an education at all -- today, more than 98 million adolescent girls around the world are not in school. The reasons for this are many, including scarce resources, early pregnancies, dangerous commutes, and threats of violence.




Equally pernicious is something they're taught from an early age -- the belief that because they're girls, they're simply unworthy of an education. It's the same toxic mindset that keeps girls here in the United States from believing they can become computer scientists or CEOs. And it's a mindset that together, we've got to change.




That's why today, on the International Day of the Girl, I'm proud to announce the Obama Foundation's launch of the Global Girls Alliance. We're seeking to empower adolescent girls around the world through education, so that they can support their families, communities and countries. The evidence is clear. Girls who attend secondary school earn higher salaries, have lower infant and maternal mortality rates, and are less likely to contract malaria and HIV. And studies have shown that educating girls isn't just good for the girls, it's good for all of us.




With the Global Girls Alliance, we'll lift up the grassroots leaders in communities all over the world who are clearing away the hurdles that too many girls face. These are offering scholarships, launching mentorship programs, preparing girls to become entrepreneurs, and reaching out to parents so girls are supported not just at school, but at home as well.




And because of the outstanding work that's been done for years by so many international organizations, the Global Girls Alliance is focused not on duplicating efforts or competing for resources, but on collaborating within the sector and building capacity for everyone.




First, we'll connect organizations and grassroots leaders to each other, allowing them to hear about what's working elsewhere, to learn from one another, and, in turn, to achieve more together than they could on their own.




Second, we're working to connect these leaders directly to people like you. We've partnered with GoFundMe to create a new social fundraising platform at GlobalGirlsAlliance.org/donate -- a place where anyone, anywhere around the world, can support girls in places like India, Guatemala, or Uganda.


第二,我們會努力將這些領導者和你也連結在一起。我們已經和 GoFundMe合作,並開發了新的社會籌款平台



Finally, we're looking for everyone's help -- everyone can be an ally. I hope you'll visit our website to educate yourself on this issue, read about the tremendous work already being done, and get started taking whatever action you can. Believe me, one person can make a difference here. And together, who knows what we can accomplish?





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