


1.suicide (v/n) 自殺
2.teenager  青少年
3.stress  壓力
4.bullying  霸凌
5.rate  比率
6.treatment  治療
7.depression  憂鬱症


1.a variety of 不同的
2.enable sb to VR 使某人做...



Japan's youth suicide rate highest in 30 years


Tokyo (CNN)More Japanese children and teenagers killed themselves between 2016 and 2017 than in any year since 1986, according to a new government report.
The latest survey shows 250 elementary and high school age children took their own lives in that year for a variety of reasons including bullying, family issues and stress, the country's Ministry of Education said Monday, according to local media.
Those figures were 5 up on the previous year, and the highest
since1986, when 268 pupils died.
"The number of suicides of
studentshave stayed high, and that is an alarming issue which should be tackled," ministry official Noriaki Kitazaki told reporters. He said the cause of the rise was unclear.




Most of those who killed themselves were high school students. The government previously recorded an annual spike in suicides on September 1, the start of the new school year.
"The long break from school enables you to stay at home, so it's heaven for those who are bullied," Nanae Munemasa, then 17, told CNN in 2015. "When summer ends, you have to go back. And once you start worrying about getting bullied, committing suicide might be possible."
Munemasa considered suicide herself due to bullying, before going public with her story in an attempt to help other young people.


大多數自殺的學生多為高中生,且高峰數在每年的九月一日,學校的開學日。一位17歲的日本女學生Nanae Munemasa在2015年對CNN說:『長假對於受到霸凌的學生來說就像天堂般,因為待在家裡,就不用遭受同儕的霸凌。』『當暑假結束,受到霸凌的學生需要上課時,就會開始擔心被同儕霸凌,自殺對他們而言,便成為了可能的選項。』Nanae Munemasa曾經因為被霸凌而考慮過自殺,而她決定要用她的故事來幫助其他年輕的學生們。


While the youth suicide rate was up last fiscal year, the total number of suicides in Japan fell to 21,321 in 2017, from a peak of 34,427 in 2003, according to the National Police Agency.
In 2016, Japan's government announced a plan to cut the country's suicide rate by 30% by 2026, particularly among young people, according to the Japan Times. Part of the plan includes hiring counselors for every elementary and junior high school in the country, and launching a 24-hour helpline.
"We'd love to eliminate such tragedies altogether, but the reality is several hundred children are taking their lives (each year)," education ministry official Koju Matsubayashi told the newspaper. "It's important to teach children how to get help as soon as possible ... because it becomes harder and harder to find help once they're already suffering. The light at the end of the tunnel gets darker and darker until they begin to start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as death."


根據日本警政總部指出,雖然年輕人的自殺率在去年上升了不少,但日本總自殺人數在2017年為21,321人,跟2003年的高峰期34,427比降低了不少。在2016年,日本政府宣佈了一項計畫,希望能在2026年時降低30%的自殺率。計劃裡包括為每個國小以及國中學校聘請心理諮商師,且配有24小時的服務電話。日本教育部長Koju Matsubayashi告訴報社:『我們很希望能解決這樣的悲劇,但事實是仍有數以百計的孩子們每年會輕生。』『教導孩子們如何快速得到幫助是很重要的,因為一旦他們已經受到霸凌,要尋求幫助就會變得越來越難。隧道尾端的燈光會變得越來越暗,直到他們開始把死亡當作隧道尾端中的亮光。』


While Japan has long struggled with high suicide rates -- it is the leading cause of death among young people -- the issue also persists across the wider Asia-Pacific region.
In Asia, only South Korea has a higher suicide rate than Japan, according to the World Health Organization, at 26.9 deaths per 100,000 people in 2017, compared to 18.5 for Japan and 3.2 for the Philippines. It is also one of the leading causes of death in Hong Kong.
As well as stress caused by East Asian countries' intense work cultures, experts said many parts of the region also have a stigma against seeking treatment for depression or other interventions that could help reduce suicide.
Research shows that suicide can also be contagious, with the death of one person or multiple people contributing to a rise in suicidal behavior among others, especially those who already have suicidal thoughts or a known risk factor for suicide.








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