


1.comic book 漫畫書
2.influence  影響
3.editor  編輯
4.illustrator  插畫家
5.create (v) 創造
6.patriarch  創辦人
7.revolution  革命



1.kick off 開始
2. make up 捏造



Stan Lee, Marvel Comics visionary, dead at 95
(CNN)Stan Lee, the colorful Marvel Comics patriarch who helped usher in a new era of superhero storytelling -- and saw his creations become a giant influence in the movie business -- has died.
He was 95.




Kirk Schneck, an attorney for Lee's daughter, tells CNN the comic giant was taken by ambulance from his Los Angeles home on Monday morning to Cedar's Sinai Medical Center, where he later died. The cause of death is not yet known, according to Schneck.


史丹李女兒的法定代理人Kirk Schneck告訴CNN的記者,史丹李是在禮拜一的早上從他在洛杉磯的住宅被救護車載往醫學中心,之後便在那逝世。目前仍不清楚死因為何。


Lee began his career at what was then Timely Comics in 1939. Over the years he was a writer, editor and occasional illustrator. But, bored with the output, he was preparing to leave the company when history took a sudden turn.


史丹李在1939年於Timely Comics公司開始他的職業生涯,數年來他擔任過作家、編輯,偶爾也擔任插畫家。後來,他對於他所產出的作品感到厭倦,便準備離開這間公司,而這樣的決定也讓他的人生有了巨大的轉折。


For many years, the business had been dominated by DC (then National) Comics, creators of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern.




In the late '50s, DC started reimagining its heroes -- kicking off what comics historians call the "Silver Age" of the business -- but those figures were still, largely, otherworldly and two-dimensional, living in made-up places such as Metropolis and Gotham City.




In the early '60s, Lee was asked to come up with a team of superheroes to compete against DC's Justice League. With the notable help of artists such as Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, he helped instigate a revolution, though Lee didn't see it that way at the time.


在1960年代早期,史丹李被要求構思出一群超級英雄來和DC的正義聯盟對抗。有了許多藝術家像是Jack Kirby和Steve Ditko的幫助下,他也成功地挑起了一場漫畫界的革命,雖然當時史丹李本人並不是這樣認為。


Marvel revitalized the comics business with a series of flawed, more human superheroes. Its figures lived in the real world -- a few were based in New York City, with all its dirt and clamor -- and struggled with everyday challenges, whether it was paying the rent or wondering about their purposes in life.




First came the Fantastic Four, a superhero team probably most famous for the grumpy, rock-skinned Thing. Following that success Lee and Marvel introduced such characters as Spider-Man, the Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, the X-Men and Daredevil.




These new superheroes -- all created in a burst between 1961 and 1964 -- were hugely popular and allowed Marvel to surpass DC in both sales and fashionableness.
Spider-Man, in particular, became the imprint's signature character: a neurotic photographer named Peter Parker who, after being bitten by a radioactive spider, develops spider-like powers. Parker was forever clashing with newspaper editor J. Jonah Jameson (an angry, cigar-chomping martinet who was no Perry White), wondering about his relationship with Mary Jane Watson and worrying about his fragile Aunt May. Crime fighting was the least of his concerns.


這些新的超級英雄 - 都是在1961年到1964年間的大爆發期所創造的 - 都非常受歡迎,並且讓Marvel在銷量和流行方面都超越了DC。
特別是蜘蛛俠成為了其標誌性的角色:一位名叫彼得帕克的神經質攝影師,在被放射性蜘蛛咬傷後,擁有了蜘蛛般的神奇力量。 帕克老是和報紙編輯J. Jonah Jameson發生衝突,總是想知道他與瑪麗珍沃森的關係,並擔心他脆弱的梅姨。 打擊犯罪於他而言,是他最不關心的問題。


"I never thought that Spider-Man would become the worldwide icon that he is. I just hoped the books would sell and I'd keep my job," Lee said in 2006.




Many of the characters were developed for television with varying degrees of success. But it was the emergence of the "Marvel Universe" in the movies, especially with the "X-Men" franchise and the Sam Raimi-directed "Spider-Man" (2002), that truly made the brand ubiquitous. In 2009, the Walt Disney Company purchased Marvel Entertainment -- the licensing arm of the comic-book brand -- for $4 billion.


許多角色都是為了電視開發的,並取得了不同程度的成功。 但正是『漫威宇宙』在電影中的出現,特別是『X戰警』系列和Sam Raimi導演的『蜘蛛人』(2002),才真正讓這個品牌無處不在。 2009年,華特迪士尼公司以40億美元的價格收購了漫威娛樂公司(Marvel Entertainment)。


By that point, Lee had long since become more of a company figurehead rather than a writer and editor in the day-to-day trenches. He became the company's editorial director and publisher in 1972 and eventually immersed himself in spreading the Marvel gospel (often with the exclamation, "Excelsior!") He's had bit parts in most of the films featuring the company's characters.







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